Majmu Syarif dan Terjemah

by Arir XZ Innovations Creators

Books & Reference


Majmu Syarif and Translation is a mobile application that presents a collection of prayers, wirid, dhikr, and important religious writings in Islam. This application is intended to help Muslims deepen their beliefs, increase their piety, and strengthen their relationship with Allah SWT.This book is widely read, studied, memorized and recited regularly in the religious practices of Indonesian society.Majmu Syarif is used as a guide to good deeds by Muslims. In fact, this book has long been the guide of Muslims in Indonesia. Many people take Majmu Syarif to places where he teaches or majlis talim.Detailed explanation:Linguistically, majmu means group, while syarif means glory. When combined, majmu sharif can be defined as a collection of glory.As the title suggests, Majmu Syarif contains everything that Muslims need. Starting from selected letters taken from the Koran al-Karim, - prayers, dhikr-dhikr, and prayers for the Prophet Muhammad SAW accompanied by hadiths about selected letters.Quoting the journal Sanad and Matan Hadith Studies in Majmu Syarif (Tahjiran wa Dirasatan) written by Riski, the letters contained in the book are as follows:1. Yasin2. Al-Kahf3. Al-Sajadah4. Al-Fath5. Al-Rahman6. Al-Waqiah7. Al-Mulk8. Noah9. Al-Muzammil10. An-Naba11. Al-Ikhlas12. Al-Falaq13. An-NasMeanwhile, the prayers collected in this book include:1. Hayfat Haykal2. Ratib al-Haddad3. Al-Baqiyah Al-Shayali4. Kanz Al-Ars5. Nur Al-Nubuwwah6. Akasah7. Istighfar8. Prayer and dhikr in every situation9. Prayer and dhikr in certain circumstances10. Prayer and dhikr of the tathawwu prayer11. Daily prayer12. Prayers13. Tahlil14. TalqinApart from a collection of readings, Majmu Syarif also contains procedures for worship, both taken from the Koran, hadith, and the results of the ijtihad of the ulama. The contents of the book are what Muslims are expected to practice.Main feature:Collection of Important Prayers: The Majmu Syarif application provides a variety of daily prayers, prayers before sleeping, prayers for health, prayers before traveling, and other prayers that are an integral part of a Muslims daily life.Wirid and Dhikr: Users can access a series of wirid and dhikr taught in Islamic teachings. This wirid and dhikr help strengthen faith, cleanse the heart, and remember Allah regularly.Translation and Meaning: Every prayer and religious writing contained in the application is equipped with a translation and meaning in language that is easy to understand. This helps users to understand the meaning of each prayer and wazifa that is read.